Aegis Shield Block Radius 360 degrees Acrobat 1 Fall safe height +60 Acrobat 2 Fall safe height +100 Boost Breath 1 Breath Guage +180 Boost Breath 2 Breath Guage +300 Clan Aegis 1 P.Def. +3% Clan Aegis 2 P.Def. +5% Clan Aegis 3+ P.Def. +?? Clan Agility Evasion +?? Clan Clarity MP Regen per tick +?? Clan Cyclonic Resistance Resistance to Wind and Water Attributes +?? Clan Empowerment M.Atk. +?? Clan Essence MP +?? Clan Fortitude Resistance to Shock Attribute +?? Clan Freedom Resistance to Hold and Derangement Attributes +?? Clan Guidance Accuracy +?? Clan Imperium right to open a clan command channel Clan Lifeblood HP Regen per tick +?? Clan Luck 1 PvE Death = 3.52% Loss Clan Luck 2 PvE Death = 3.20% Loss PvP (No Clan war) = 2% Loss PvP (Clan War) = 0.50% Loss Clan Magic Protection 1 M.Def. +6% Clan Magic Protection 2 M.Def. +10% Clan Magic Protection 3+ M.Def. +??% Clan Magmatic Resistance Resistance to Fire and Earth Attributes +?? Clan March Speed +?? Clan Might 1 P.Atk. +3% Clan Might 2+ P.Atk. +?? Clan Morale CP Regen per tick +?? Clan Shield Boost Shield P.Def. +?? Clan Spirituality 1 CP +6% Clan Spirituality 2+ CP +??% Clan Vigilance Resistance to Sleep Attribute +?? Clan Vitality 1 HP +3% Clan Vitality 2 HP +5% Clan Vitality 3+ HP +?? Clan Withstand Attack Shield Block Rate +?? Clear Mind 1 MP regen per tick walking +3.2, standing +2.6 Clear Mind 2 MP regen per tick walking +4.0, standing +3.2 Clear Mind 3 MP regen per tick walking +4.3, standing +3.5 Clear Mind 4 MP regen per tick walking +5.1, standing +4.1 Clear Mind 5 MP regen per tick walking +5.8, standing +4.7 Clear Mind 6 MP regen per tick walking +6.2, standing +4.9 Critical Power 1 P.Atk. on a critical hit +32 Critical Power 2 P.Atk. on a critical hit +56 Critical Power 3 P.Atk. on a critical hit +93 Critical Power 4 P.Atk. on a critical hit +177 Critical Power 5 P.Atk. on a critical hit +295 Critical Power 6 P.Atk. on a critical hit +384 Esprit 1 HP regen per tick while running +2.5, mp regen +0.8 Esprit 2 HP regen per tick while running +3.0, mp regen +0.9 Esprit 3 HP regen per tick while running +3.5, mp regen +1.0 Esprit 4 HP regen per tick while running +4.0, mp regen +1.1 Esprit 5 HP regen per tick while running +4.5, mp regen +1.2 Esprit 6 HP regen per tick while running +5.0, mp regen +1.3 Esprit 7 HP regen per tick while running +5.5, mp regen +1.4 Esprit 8 HP regen per tick while running +6.0, mp regen +1.5 Fast HP Recovery 1 HP regen per tick +1.1 Fast HP Recovery 2 HP regen per tick +1.6 Fast HP Recovery 3 HP regen per tick +1.7 Fast HP Recovery 4 HP regen per tick +2.1 Fast HP Recovery 5 HP regen per tick +2.6 Fast HP Recovery 6 HP regen per tick +2.7 Fast HP Recovery 7 HP regen per tick +3.4 Fast HP Recovery 8 HP regen per tick +4.0 Fast Mana Recovery 1 MP regen per tick +1.1 Fast Mana Recovery 2 MP regen per tick +1.5 Fast Mana Recovery 3 MP regen per tick +1.9 Fast Mana Recovery 4 MP regen per tick +2.3 Fast Mana Recovery 5 MP regen per tick +2.7 Fast Mana Recovery 6 MP regen per tick +3.1 Fast Mana Recovery 7 MP regen per tick +3.4 Final Fortress 1 P.Def. +116.875 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 2 P.Def. +129.000 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 3 P.Def. +141.625 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 4 P.Def. +150.375 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 5 P.Def. +159.250 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 6 P.Def. +168.375 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 7 P.Def. +177.625 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 8 P.Def. +187.000 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 9 P.Def. +196.500 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 10 P.Def. +206.125 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Fortress 11 P.Def. +215.750 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 1 P.Atk. +32.9 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 2 P.Atk. +39.4 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 3 P.Atk. +46.6 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 4 P.Atk. +54.6 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 5 P.Atk. +63.3 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 6 P.Atk. +72.7 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 7 P.Atk. +79.3 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 8 P.Atk. +86.1 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 9 P.Atk. +93.1 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 10 P.Atk. +100.2 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 11 P.Atk. +107.5 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 12 P.Atk. +114.8 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 13 P.Atk. +122.1 when HP falls to 30% or less Final Frenzy 14 P.Atk. +129.3 when HP falls to 30% or less Focus Mind 1 MP regen per tick +1.1 Focus Mind 2 MP regen per tick +1.5 Focus Mind 3 MP regen per tick +1.9 Focus Mind 4 MP regen per tick +2.3 Focus Mind 5 MP regen per tick +2.7 Focus Mind 6 MP regen per tick +3.1 Health Resistance to Bleed, Poison attributes +20% Higher Mana Gain 1 MP gained from Recharge +22 Higher Mana Gain 2 MP gained from Recharge +24 Higher Mana Gain 3 MP gained from Recharge +28 Higher Mana Gain 4 MP gained from Recharge +29 Higher Mana Gain 5 MP gained from Recharge +31 Higher Mana Gain 6 MP gained from Recharge +32 Higher Mana Gain 7 MP gained from Recharge +38 Higher Mana Gain 8 MP gained from Recharge +39 Higher Mana Gain 9 MP gained from Recharge +41 Higher Mana Gain 10 MP gained from Recharge +42 Higher Mana Gain 11 MP gained from Recharge +48 Higher Mana Gain 12 MP gained from Recharge +49 Higher Mana Gain 13 MP gained from Recharge +50 Higher Mana Gain 14 MP gained from Recharge +52 Higher Mana Gain 15 MP gained from Recharge +53 Higher Mana Gain 16 MP gained from Recharge +59 Higher Mana Gain 17 MP gained from Recharge +61 Higher Mana Gain 18 MP gained from Recharge +62 Higher Mana Gain 19 MP gained from Recharge +64 Higher Mana Gain 20 MP gained from Recharge +66 Higher Mana Gain 21 MP gained from Recharge +72 Higher Mana Gain 22 MP gained from Recharge +73 Higher Mana Gain 23 MP gained from Recharge +75 Higher Mana Gain 24 MP gained from Recharge +76 Higher Mana Gain 25 MP gained from Recharge +78 Higher Mana Gain 26 MP gained from Recharge +79 Higher Mana Gain 27 MP gained from Recharge +81 Iron Body Fall damage -40% Long Shot 1 Bow Range 700 Long Shot 2 Bow Range 900 Mana Recovery MP regen per tick +20% when wearing Robes Quick Recovery 1 Magic Reuse Time -20% Quick Recovery 2 Magic Reuse Time -25% Quick Recovery 3 Magic Reuse Time -30% Quiver of Holding 1 Weight Limit +30% Quiver of Holding 2 Weight Limit +40% Quiver of Holding 3 Weight Limit +50% Seal of Strife 1 (winner) CP +10% Seal of Strife 1 (loser) CP -10% Shield Mastery 1 Shield Block Rate +50% Shield Mastery 2 Shield Block Rate +70% Shield Mastery 3 Shield Block Rate +85% Shield Mastery 4 Shield Block Rate +100% Skill Mastery (fighter) Chance of "skill critical", based on STR Skill Mastery (mystic) Chance of "skill critical", based on INT Toughness Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Poison attributes +20% Vital Force 1 HP regen per tick while sitting +1.9, mp regen +0.9 Vital Force 2 HP regen per tick while sitting +2.7, mp regen +1.1 Vital Force 3 HP regen per tick while sitting +2.9, mp regen +1.2 Vital Force 4 HP regen per tick while sitting +3.6, mp regen +1.5 Vital Force 5 HP regen per tick while sitting +4.5, mp regen +1.7 Vital Force 6 HP regen per tick while sitting +4.7, mp regen +1.8 Vital Force 7 HP regen per tick while sitting +5.6, mp regen +2.1 Vital Force 8 HP regen per tick while sitting +6.7, mp regen +2.5 Weight Limit 1 Weight Limit +100% Weight Limit 2 Weight Limit +200% Weight Limit 3 Weight Limit +300% Wisdom Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement attributes +20%